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I would love to join you at an upcoming event!

I enjoy encouraging and equipping others to realize who they are in Jesus and how He desires to use them in His redemption plan on this Earth.


“Polly Bice is a deep well which God uses in a big way. As an effective communicator and author, Polly knows how to connect with people in a way that has lasting impact.” -David Nasser, Liberty University, Senior Vice President for Spiritual Development

“Polly is one of the most authentic and inspiring people I know. I had the privilege of serving as her pastor for a season and there is zero doubt she loves the Lord with all of her heart, soul, mind and strength. She truly is one of my heros! I am honored to recommend her to you.” -TJ Gilliam, Mission of Hope, Partnership Engagement


“Polly is a woman who truly practices what she preaches. She communicates deep theological truths and concepts in such practical ways. As a minister to college women, I treasured her time teaching and leading our young women at our women’s conference. She is passionate about training up truly transformed disciple-makers and it is evident in the way she loves and leads. I am thankful to know her and to have sat under her incredible teaching!” -Melanie Denney, director LU Shepherd

“A short introduction and a women’s retreat later and my life was richly blessed by Polly. The passion she has for helping others understand their purpose and gifts in Christ is evident in the tender way she speaks and leads. She allows the Lord to use her as His vessel to speak encouragement and hope into others. Grateful to be a part of her story.” -Erin Tate, Haven Field Community Church Women’s Ministry