I am not a Bible scholar or an expert on life, but I have walked with Jesus for almost 4 decades and He has proven to me He is good, faithful, loving, and kind. 



I want you to believe that too! I want to encourage and equip you as you find that real, lasting JOY is found only when you are following Jesus and walking in His purpose for your life.

Life is hard but Friend, when you truly come to realize that God can turn everything in this life for your good and His glory, you will live with a different level of peace and joy.

I want that for you! I’ve experienced that freedom and it’s yours for the taking. My hope is that you will join me and this community of friends as we follow hard after Jesus and his assignments for our lives. I love you already!


POLLY’S story


I grew up in a small town with a wonderful family. A few unfortunate situations that happened during my childhood and teenage years could have easily left me angry and bitter. Instead, being the optimistic, peace-making young girl that I was, I kept my chin up and dreamed about being grown with a family of my own. 

At the young age of 19, I married the man of my dreams. Almost one year later I had our first baby girl. We always knew we wanted a big family but we never dreamed it would look quite like it does today. I loved being a mom! One baby led to two, two to three, and today 12 kids call me Mama. Wow! I still get tickled over this miracle.

Around 10 years ago, we heard the Lord calling us to step out in faith in some areas that were unfamiliar and risky for us. One of those places was international adoption. We put our yes on the table and trusted Jesus. In 2013, we brought home our daughter from Ethiopia. Shortly afterwards, we were made aware of the great need for foster families in our community and as we prayed, we knew God was calling us to open our home and hearts to these children. We have since fostered around 35 children and two of them have become a forever son and daughter to us through adoption. My family and I have a strong passion to advocate for the vulnerable and children who need a voice.

Over the past few years, God has brought me into a place of reflection. I have spent hours simply being amazed over what He has done in and through my life, all by His Grace. I have connected many dots between the events that took place in my childhood and even as a young adult that could have been seen as disasters. Events that the enemy fully intended to use to steal joy and happiness from me, instead, God made every single one of those events Matter. It has been the ugliest parts of my story that God has used to bring about the most beautiful places of redemption. He used those hard parts that I could have regretted ever happened, to Equip me for the plans and life He had written for me all along. 

I will never get over this and I will never stop encouraging you to let Him redeem your story and use you for His Kingdom sake. You are worth it and better yet, Jesus is worth it! 
